Sunday, August 3, 2008


We spent the last 2 days exploring Venice. In an effort to be thrifty we waited to get the perfect map. One that would be detailed and cheap. Of course we quickly got caught up in the shops and an hour later we were lost and without a map. It took us another half hour to find a map and then we were pretty good until we realized that not only was the map wrong about the streets in our neighborhood, but another couple's map that was different from ours was also wrong. We decided we were in a scene from the movie Labyrinth and the walls were shifting on us (but no Jim Henson characters to taunt us). We were surprised at what a good hunting team we made when we found many stores again the second day that we had wanted to go back to and were off the main routes. It was wonderful to be on the water and away from cars for another couple days. It of course wasn't a complete substitute for Cinque Terre as we noticed that most everything we looked at to buy shared colors with the Mediteranean Sea.

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